It was nice of our friend Patent Sun to share the reference to Endotoxin in that BioNTech patent pending application.



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Yes it was. I wonder if there is another patent somewhere.

But for me I think the LNPs and endotoxin are are real problem, as you point out.

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This is a "patent"ly brilliant summary. Thank you for the hard work and analysis of the suspiciously sloppy, careless (or carefree? 🤔) methods used to mass produce this fundamentally dangerous technology.

In concept (injection of a cell transfection agent, interrupting normal cellular function, to produce a foreign cytotoxic protein, no off switch, transfection occurring wherever the injected payload travels, knowing the biodistribution studies shows it went everywhere including brain, ovaries, bone marrow, spleen, heart you name it...

no real examination or thought of reverse transcription, no genotoxicity studies, no cancer studies... Etc etc ) this should never have been considered as an option... At all... We are at a primitive level of transfecting cells with an mRNA code, we may think it clever now, the ability to do this is scientifically significant... But... would want to be in the Star Trek era before we'd know enough to tackle this safely and know the thought of and unthought of consequences of this tech in the human body.

Let alone all the other undisclosed ingredients we are yet to know about (y'know the hidden ones to protect the proprietary ingredients... Like the blank ingredient inserts in Moderna packaging)

I tend to think Australian Professor Edward J Steele,

Molecular and Cellular Immunologist, Geneticist & Microbiologist, nailed it succinctly...

"Secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) is the predominant immunoglobulin isotype present in airway secretions. Secretory IgA is composed of two IgA molecules (dimeric IgA), a joining protein (J chain), and a secretory component. The dimeric IgA-J chain complex is produced by B lymphocytes in the submucosal tissues"

Professor Steele's notable point is that none of the jabs create local mucosal immunity through secretory IgA. In other words if you do not have antibodies in your protective mucus membranes of nose throat and gastrointestinal tract then a raging infection will happen. These jabs do not create IgA secretory antibodies in these local mucus membranes and therefore do not work.


(Hope link still works)

So why did we do this? Why?

Why were normal pneumonia treatments ignored?

Why did Remdesivir and Midazolam enter the treatment protocols?

Why are they still pushing the vaccines, for everyone, pregnant mothers and our children??

Why are our authorities under a control that cannot see reason or danger.??

Why zero caution??

They ignore the damage, they still encourage that which they know is deadly...

At this stage it can't be ignorance...

It can't be stupidity...

Yet the majority of politicians ignore investigation at all costs when excess deaths are raised in the Australian Senate, the TGA ignore evidence, and roll on regardless...

Covid ain't as bad as the shots, which could never have worked even in concept...

So what's going on??

I think the answer may be obvious but it's too hard to contemplate that the majority of our governing bodies have been so compromised that they would happily see the men women and children of their country harmed or killed by a deadly and in some cases forced medication... Plus sign up to a treaty that would make such poison mandatory.

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thank you for this analysis, Maria, very helpful

.. i am largely illiterate when it comes to Chemistry, but why did they not add more magnesium ions if this is what they believed was buggering the DNAse activity?

.. and they still could have used the industry 'standard' chromatography, but refused to

.. and yes, all those SV40 bits they have always known about

they very well might not have been pumping up the DNA volume on purpose, but they knew it was occurring as a consequence of reducing dsRNA

that to me is as good as knowingly contaminating your end users with cancer triggers

this has fraud and intention and not giving a damn about billions of adverse consequences all over it

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Wow... they were indeed flying the plane while still building and experimenting, all of them. But red flags were more than obvious ALL ALONG. Agree with you on the dsRNA peril - much of my book is about that.... Thanks for exposing all these frustrating things.

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The secret is that they have to have these shots "a little dirty" or they dont get an immunological response and no antibodies, schmantibodies.

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There may be another/additional way (as I discussed in my book). Seems that the LNPs component, via their inherent inflammatory nature, lead to a higher antibody response - why the mRNA vaccines were celebrated to induce those insanely high schmantibody levels.

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I have to check out your book. Thanks for the heads up... published by Springer too.

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I'm asking the Kevin McKernan that very question re Magnesium. But I suspect adding too much slows down or speeds up the IVT process and you get less yield of intact mRNA. Will find out soon.

I think chromatography may not have been thought to be needed since SEC is used to get rid of dsRNA. Have to look into whether other chromatography techniques it gets rid of small bits of DNA.

Really this stuff is in its infancy and we are at year 4.

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Three years ago, Dr Abdul Alim said people need to stop talking about these vaccines never being tested. He said "That's not true". He said they were absolutely tested to do exactly what they are doing. They always knew these fake vaccines would eventually kill you. That was always the plan, so these fake vaccines are doing exactly as intended.

In addition, Dr Andreas Noack pointed out the mistake of calling the worst ingredient graphene oxide was really graphene dioxide. Being a world renowned chemist, he knew. As much as I appreciate all the scientific work done by good people trying to dissect, work backwards, analyze and rationalize the causes of injury from these jabs, it appears (and I'm sorry to say) these monsters who created them are far and away more knowledgable of science, chicanery, and manipulation than our good people are. They seem to have thought of everything.

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