The lies and omissions regarding immunology, coronavirus, vaccines, treatments and diagnostics are piled so high, it's nearly impossible for the average person to comprehend the magnitude so they just keep believing whatever the media tells them. I, for one, have been reading up on this since pre-covid shot rollout, so I have had a more gradual perception of the bullshit.

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Apr 16Liked by Washed Up Pharmacist

On the legal front, the issue is that courts are increasingly pro-government. Bruce Pardy (law prof) talks about how courts shill for the administrative state here:


see Fable 6: The Constitution Means what it Says

The courts have taken politicized positions on religious freedom (no longer a constitutional right if we don't like you), trans (you better use the right pronouns in the courtroom) and other issues pre-COVID. After COVID, we've seen what they did with the trucker convoy cases, political prisoners, bodily autonomy, etc.

I've provided some more examples of politicized courts here:


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Apr 10Liked by Washed Up Pharmacist

It’s called lying by omission. Sadly, I believed in our government. The constant parade of doctors on television like immunologist Dawn Bowdish claiming safe and effective and better get it so you don’t die. I’ve learned through these last 3 years how pharma funds health agencies worldwide including the FDA. Even the medical journals are being funded. I was injured by my one and only pfizer. 2021 was a terrifying nightmare. I have lost all trust in our institutions including the media. The fact there is no acknowledgement about the vast numbers of injuries or guidance for the doctors seeing this tragedy is mind boggling. I do not understand what is going on. I’ve written to my MP 3 times without any response. I’m sure I will hear from her office next year. I wrote to the Canadian Medical Association, no response, my local regional health department who did respond with pushing me to get another shot. Three doctors I’ve seen have seen the serious adverse effects but admit they don’t know what to do. Why are the contracts with pharma secret? Why has there been so much censorship? Doctors being hauled up to the CPSO? Judges chastised in the Toronto Star for not siding with the parent who wants to get their kid vaccinated. As both judges logically stated “there’s no evidence before us to rule in favour.” Doctor’s reputations smeared. Who’s behind all of this?

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Apr 10Liked by Washed Up Pharmacist

One of my favourite sayings is "Wisdom begins with the definition of terms." What I came to realize through the "pandemic" is that "Fraud begins with the definition of terms" is also an accurate variation.

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There was one statistical "study" that was highly effective in getting people in my life vaxxed: "99 percent of people in the ICU for COVID are unvaccinated". It's a story that cuts through all the statistical tricks and seems impossible to do fraudulently. And the reason people stopped with the boosters had nothing to do with statistics - it was because friends and family would get injected and immediately die, need a heart stent, or lose their short term memory.

I'm honestly not sure what to do the next time they try this.

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In the new study "Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan" the conclusion mentions that : "The significance of this possibility warrants further studies." Do they tell people that when they get their boosters? Shouldn't these people be paid as I would expect that they might be considered to be part of a study.

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Further more, there was no informed consent despite Pfizer’s 38 page document of listed serious side effects February 2021. I got my life changing shot april of the same year. People have no idea that if injured you are on your own.

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As I am sure you are well aware, an effectiveness rate of 30% is no better than the average placebo rate. Many pills have been declined approval on just that basis.

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WUPh does a Canadian BLA cover Gene Therapy/GMO medicines or drugs?

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I’ve Got $100 That Says :

If Enough Doctors Die

We Can Cure Cancer.


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Yes they did.

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