May 18Liked by Washed Up Pharmacist

Hanging on to you since early

I've learned sooooo much

Thank you



Mmmmm Hmmm 🤔

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Excellent summary.

One more issue: Any biological organism is built and operates at 100% of its capacity. I mean that there are no reserve/backup/use-later parts. Whatever can be found in the organism, from bacteria to brain matter, it is there because it has a purpose, and it is already optimally customized to deliver what is expected from it.

We don’t have a third hand or a fourth ear or a set of replacement left foot toes. The human body (and all other biological organisms) are closed systems. Their whole life is spent within, processing external nutrients into usable parts and unusable waste, converting the usable stuff and removing the waste back out. We cannot take a 15% sleep tonight because we will run into 185% sleep mode in two months when our assignment is finished.

This means that anything forcefully imposed on the body (“administered” bypassing natural routes) is a) unnecessary, b) harmful by definition, c) hazardous, d) toxic or e) lethal, depending on which natural processes it will compromise.

Any vaccine is a multicomponent toxic mix, with multiple components damaging the body in various ways - and this is deliberate for the purpose of eliciting a supposedly defensive learning reaction. In general, vaccines are made up of a “content” part (which is usually reflected in the name of the product) and adjuvants. We are told that a) the active part is too weak to produce a fully developed illness, b) adjuvants are added to compound the attack strength and force a full reaction of the body.

Questions: a) If the active part is too weak to trigger the defense reaction, doesn’t it mean that the said reaction is not a response to it? It will be a response either to the full mix of toxins (please, provide peer-reviewed papers which address interactions of these components…) or to the adjuvants part alone (no wonder if you are injected known carcinogens or other substances abusing the body by their very nature). b) If the defense reaction is to the adjuvants part, none of which exists in Nature or causes the relevant diseases, WHY vaccinate?

Now to the nature of these injections. Since the body is complete and working at 100% of its capacity (see above), any vaccine administered will have to first destroy the natural processes of the body. BEFORE the defense reaction. With SC2, they openly called this phase “downregulation”. Whatever is happening within you, the injection must destroy it in order to enable the hijacking process by the active part of the injection.

What happens next is practically of secondary nature. If your brain cells or mitochondria or lung cells or kidney cells are “downregulated”, you are already in the emergency condition. You do not have surplus cells to take over the functioning of the hijacked ones. This part of the process has nothing to do with “protection” or “curing” or “preventing” - it is a damaging process. You make a hole in the engine block of your car because they told you that their savior oil will protect your engine against any holes in the future.

In other words, the covid stuff (“natural” (??) or from the injection) disables your body in the first stage. And you do not have spare or replacement lungs or brain or eyes or reproductive systems. This damage is irreparable per se. What comes next with the injection appears like a second and third round in a boxing ring where one fighter has already been knocked down…

Just trying to describe the “something x3” phase by using publicly perpetuated information. I may be wrong, please correct if necessary.

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A thoughtful analysis. That is why it is so important to explain and understand transfection well. The immunological part is bad enough but starts external to the cell as with all other vaccines, biologics and drugs. Transfection is fundamentally different.

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May 18Liked by Washed Up Pharmacist

I apologize for putting all pebbles into one pond. I have no medical background, so I can only retrace what is being published by true specialists. Plenty of contradictions, omissions, gaps. I thought when it comes to the human being, we would be honest and careful and responsible. Disillusionment is painful. I have immense respect for professionals like you who methodically decode what is going on. Thank you for your effort and for sharing it.

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May 23·edited May 23

Maria, you stated in a Rumble video that the spike protein found on the original SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan strain had a 141kDa weight but the S-protein generated by the modmRNA is 180 kDa. Would you or could you provide a citation for these figures? This would be most helpful to me as I'm in the process of completing a paper on the shots.

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That was based on the EMA leak/hack and explained away by glycosolation. It’s a big complicated question with lots of moving parts.

Here is a great article with important links.


Here’s some westerns done on Moderna


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Aug 4Liked by Washed Up Pharmacist

capitalism emphasizes artificiality. Once the unregulated imposition of artificiality is accepted, it seems that other artificial interventions are thought up, like the "vaccines." Here is a quick look at artificiality as a part of economics: https://silverman.substack.com/p/profits-come-from-artificiality ... hope that works as a link. It should have been labeled as "ECONO posts." That is to say, I have what Substack calls a "Section," concentrating on some very original economics you might like.

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While there are synthetic adjuvants (like the lipid nanoparticles which are often chosen because they trigger certain pathways), natural adjuvants do exist. Endotoxin and bacterial cell walls can be used as an adjuvant. They may behave differently after being transfected into a cell, e.g. because they trigger the pyropotosis pathway.

There are also live attenuated vaccines. Basically microbes bred to be less deadly. They trigger the immune system like adjuvants do.

My theory is that triggering the immune system is the problem. It would explain why SARS-CoV-2 and vaccines both lead to the same Long COVID-like syndrome that we see in Long COVID and vaccine injury. It also explains ME/CFS, which existed before the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein did.

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This suggestion has been around for some time. Wrong administration route, unknown and unknowable timing, unreliable dosage for the particular person, unknown onset time which overwhelms the defense, and so on.

Most of all, things like formaldehyde are pretty rare out there, and their affinity to intradermal attraction is quite unique in the nature. In effect, we are doing what will never happen naturally.

What if we are all wrong with the whole process and explanations? The body is a closed system. It does not share or interchange its essential components with the outer world. The question is to what extent “illness” is a triggered process versus a natural cleansing routine. Can we assess it - if we call everything off tables “illness”?

In my view, what we lack is the medicine of a healthy person. We don’t have a reference. We only have fragmentary, time-limited, anecdotal ranges of values which are worshipped regardless of the actual condition and conditioning of a particular person.

But there is a more important gap. The healthcare personnel, from low to highest, do not follow uniform laws and rules. I don’t mean standard procedures. I mean that their education background is highly varied, their perception and analytical skills are not being trained at all. Greed for power, sick competitiveness and making impression kills sharing stories and learning from each other. The “peer-reviewed” pantheon divides the whole community and its mechanism destroys true scientific curiosity. And more.

I guess this all contributes to what I’d call “groping in the dark” by the whole medical community. Under these circumstances, risking an unverified and untested operation like injecting foreign substances (which are known toxins) is a huge question mark. Even if our guesses are (more or less) right. Except that we do not trace what is happening with people who were vaccinated 50 or 20 or 5 or 2 years ago in all aspects of their health. In short, we don’t know what we are doing. Exactly what Peter Goetzsche said.

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May 18Liked by Washed Up Pharmacist

US Military tracks what happens to Jabbed Recruits and knows their immune systems are weakened making them more vulnerable to Coronavirus and other pathogens.


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May 18·edited May 18

You forgot to mention the shoddy labels (a safety feature that Pfizer didn't bother to fix). And the EMA leak, how regulators didn't follow up on known problems, SV40 not being disclosed to regulators, etc. :/

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Ah yes, that's enough for another substack, lol. Stage 2 was mostly reading and learning from the EMA leak.

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I undestand not strictly part of the journey, but something really important is perspective (we are humans after all and cant avoid it lol)

The narrative is designed to justify all of these because its still better than getting sick and dying... or worse for some, guilting you in that you can be the reason for someone elses death.

If covid had a 90% lethality rate then all of this becomes irrelevant, surviving is the priority. But well its not, and most people wont go beyond the header text and just believe the decision for the greater good is based on something else rather than the interest of the ones making the decision.

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