The Stages in Understanding the modRNA Jabs
my journey in understanding the totality of the multi-layered, complex structure and multiple activities of the jab
I thought I’d share my journey in understanding these complex products. I am not sure I quite understand everything, but I am not sure anyone else does frankly. Including Moderna and Pfizer. And that is pretty scary.
In my journey I made a conscious decision to not examine the protein expressed in detail, that is what the spike protein does in the body. This is well covered by others, so I concentrated on what I call the pharmacological phase (after all, it is my training), and present this mostly in point form.
Stage 1: it is a ‘vaccine’
injection and draining into the lymph nodes
regular ordinary mRNA goes into cells
something something something
spike protein is produced
epitopes on cells
immune response and lovely lovely ANTIBODIES, SCHMANTIBODIES
Well I wasn’t in this stage long, if at all, but it is mind boggling to me that many docs still are, and have no curiosity regarding the “something, something, something” phase. This product has a pharmacological phase and an immunological phase and each phase is multilayered and complex. But we need to understand this first. I was struggling to explain this concept until I heard the term “pro-drug” which leads to the next stage. Oh and I knew from the beginning that the jab does not stay in the arm due to the lipid coating. All drugs given IM eventually drain into the vascular system and are eliminated.
Stage 2: the mRNA as a drug
drug substance and drug product concept
drug substance is the modRNA
drug product is the final product injected into people
modRNA as a drug
I applied the concepts of structure-activity relationships
each part does something and how does it differ from the original or natural form?
codon-optimization and its risks
N-1-methylpseudouridine and other changes (3’UTR and poly (A) tail, etc)
synthetic nature of the modRNA
how does it break down? I could not find an answer
how long does it last?
purity and manufacturing
fragmented and truncated modRNA what do they do?
contaminants especially dsRNA (DNA was not on my radar then)
Process 1 vs Process 2
lack of comparability and possible effects
guidelines for assessing such changes in manufacturing were not applicable to the modRNA vaccines? Implications?
protein expression
this was a big one, spent weeks learning about Western blots
what protein was being produced? Errors and risks for autoimmunity
protein produced was considered “proprietary” and we are only NOW obtaining evidence of frameshifting etc when this risk and others were identified at approval
how long does it last?
Stage 3: it is a gene therapy product
review of federal and international guidelines
discovery that GTP for vaccines excluded from the GTP
necessary non-clinical and clinical studies avoided using WHO 2005 guidelines
what are known and unknown risks from the synthetic mRNA
biodistribution issues and how it differs from normal kinetics
what are the requirements if the vaccine was reviewed as a GTP for biodistribution?
Onpattro, and approved GTP with LNPs used as a template
what was studied and how
what I discovered specifically that exosomes are formed and extruded into the environment
need for shedding studies
I remember telling people about Onpattro as a template and that exosomes form and are shed and that this is likely happening with the vaccine in early 2022 but was ignored or disbelieved. I already had a good idea about the biodistribution issues and that the studies done to date were unreliable.
Stage 4: the LNPs as a carrier for the synthetic mRNA
learning that the A plus B concept was incorrect
the LNPs were not an inert carrier for the mRNA, they were integral and had pharmacological activity on its own (other than as a transfection agent), AND in combination with the modRNA
toxicity and manufacturing
the nature of the synthetic lipids and how they are manufactured
their intrinsic toxicity and biodegradability
contamination issues
molar ratios and its implications
stability, agglomeration, particle size
risk of CARPA and other effects from the pegylated lipids
adducts and safety
contamination with metals including arsenic
discovery of Moderna’s paper regarding late migrating peaks and adducts
implications for cancer
biodistribution in detail, and lies, lies, lies uncovered
beginning of understanding the LNPs and their properties
Stage 5: DNA/SV40 contamination
already in stage 2 I was looking at manufacturing, batch analysis, and contamination
did this explain the variability in patient response and toxicity?
but here was objective proof that the products were contaminated and adulterated
guidelines or DNA measurement, risk analysis
obtaining vials and arranging for analysis and subsequent reporting and preprint
review of analytical methodology issues for DNA as well as all other contaminants, and quality parameters
compendial standards and further structured training from United States Pharmacopoeia (which was excellent)
review of changes in methodology from Process 1 to Process 2
RNA measurement and poly (A) tail measurement in particular
Stage 6: Transfection
how transfection makes this product a GMP and how DIFFERENT this is from all other drug therapies and technologies
cellular distrubances
the steps from transfection to modRNA translation in detail
discovery that release from endosomes is the rate limiting step
storage in endosomes and toxicity
only 2% of all LNPs result in protein expression, what happens to the other 98%?
shedding is real and environmental risk and how this was known beforehand and laws changed to avoid required studies
How to explain what transfection really is?
Stage 7: Nanoparticles
the nature of nanoparticles
quantum effects!!
optical effects (likely the cause of the ‘glowing’ in the vials due to the optical effects of concentrated LNPs)
physical and chemical effects
analytical methodology still debated; no one knows how to measure the LNPs
Moderna freely admits they have no idea what the LNPs look like, their activity in the body
each LNP is different? LNPs with blebs, multilamellar structure, amorphous mix all exist at the same time in the same vial?
the biomolecular corona
provides a biological identity
changes what is happening inside the LNPs
unpredictable and can’t be measured in vivo
nanoparticle toxicity as a nanoparticle separate from toxicity due to the lipids themselves
almost sentinent, unpredictable, unknowable, unmeasurable
Stage 8: The jabs are synthetic viruses
stealth nature of biocorona coated particles
body sees the particles as “natural”
snythetic biology in the cell; reaction to synthetic nature of both the modRNA and lipids
structure of the LNPs mimic a virus with a protein coating, lipid shell and nucleic acid material within
unknown effects
possibility that the reponse to the jabs are as variable or more so than the variability in the manufacturing
combining both the “pharmacological” aspect and the batch variability could result in the an adverse rate of 0 to death with no predictability (like age, sex, weight etc)
I am here
There are other chunks I’ve reviewed and discussed but are not mentioned here. Where is everyone in this journey? Have I missed any other big black holes?
And at this point, we have not even talked about the spike protein and any post translational modifications, presentation on the cell surface, whether a trimer is ever made etc etc.
Oh and pray the rosary
Hanging on to you since early
I've learned sooooo much
Thank you
Mmmmm Hmmm 🤔
Excellent summary.
One more issue: Any biological organism is built and operates at 100% of its capacity. I mean that there are no reserve/backup/use-later parts. Whatever can be found in the organism, from bacteria to brain matter, it is there because it has a purpose, and it is already optimally customized to deliver what is expected from it.
We don’t have a third hand or a fourth ear or a set of replacement left foot toes. The human body (and all other biological organisms) are closed systems. Their whole life is spent within, processing external nutrients into usable parts and unusable waste, converting the usable stuff and removing the waste back out. We cannot take a 15% sleep tonight because we will run into 185% sleep mode in two months when our assignment is finished.
This means that anything forcefully imposed on the body (“administered” bypassing natural routes) is a) unnecessary, b) harmful by definition, c) hazardous, d) toxic or e) lethal, depending on which natural processes it will compromise.
Any vaccine is a multicomponent toxic mix, with multiple components damaging the body in various ways - and this is deliberate for the purpose of eliciting a supposedly defensive learning reaction. In general, vaccines are made up of a “content” part (which is usually reflected in the name of the product) and adjuvants. We are told that a) the active part is too weak to produce a fully developed illness, b) adjuvants are added to compound the attack strength and force a full reaction of the body.
Questions: a) If the active part is too weak to trigger the defense reaction, doesn’t it mean that the said reaction is not a response to it? It will be a response either to the full mix of toxins (please, provide peer-reviewed papers which address interactions of these components…) or to the adjuvants part alone (no wonder if you are injected known carcinogens or other substances abusing the body by their very nature). b) If the defense reaction is to the adjuvants part, none of which exists in Nature or causes the relevant diseases, WHY vaccinate?
Now to the nature of these injections. Since the body is complete and working at 100% of its capacity (see above), any vaccine administered will have to first destroy the natural processes of the body. BEFORE the defense reaction. With SC2, they openly called this phase “downregulation”. Whatever is happening within you, the injection must destroy it in order to enable the hijacking process by the active part of the injection.
What happens next is practically of secondary nature. If your brain cells or mitochondria or lung cells or kidney cells are “downregulated”, you are already in the emergency condition. You do not have surplus cells to take over the functioning of the hijacked ones. This part of the process has nothing to do with “protection” or “curing” or “preventing” - it is a damaging process. You make a hole in the engine block of your car because they told you that their savior oil will protect your engine against any holes in the future.
In other words, the covid stuff (“natural” (??) or from the injection) disables your body in the first stage. And you do not have spare or replacement lungs or brain or eyes or reproductive systems. This damage is irreparable per se. What comes next with the injection appears like a second and third round in a boxing ring where one fighter has already been knocked down…
Just trying to describe the “something x3” phase by using publicly perpetuated information. I may be wrong, please correct if necessary.