> At this point I don’t think is unusual, just BioNTech determining the best “dose.”

After reading a lot of detailed articles like yours, I am always left with a question.

We deal here with biological “manufacturing”. Which means that some stuff is put into huge vessels and left there to react, with the objective of generating some other stuff. However, all key ingredients are submicroscopic (i.e. uncountable) and are of biological nature, i.e. uncontrollable in bulk. By common sense analogy, when you “boil” this bio-soup, it may have some pre-defined theoretical generic taste and properties, but - if you take it to a lab - every single spoonful will be different, with different properties. Hence, the “quantity” of the ingredients in vials vary immensely. To simplify, how can you “force” and “mandate” xxx trillions of particle-size live bio-organisms to interact to produce (say) 27 resulting products and stop at that point? Submicroscopic - which means that we really don’t know what is going on there. We can’t measure it, we can’t monitor it in real time, and even if, we can’t stop it right here because of momentum and variability of processes.

Unlike with chemicals - you take 20 pounds of powder A, mix it with 30 pounds of powder B, add 5 pounds of powder C, mix it all together and (since the ingredients do not interact), you can easily create 55 pounds of perfectly uniform final mixture.

Hence: the concept of “determining” the best dose seems to me absurd. One, each dose will be invariably different. Two, none of these were (or could ever be) truly tested on live organisms (because of the variability of these organisms and their snapshot conditions).

How do you command 200 liters of live organisms continuously interacting with each other when it is technically impossible to know what is in the boiling installation at any given point in time?

Even if there are some theoretical ways to force the end of the interaction (temperature change, pressure change, etc.), the very mechanism of halting the process will always be extended over time (even if in milliseconds) - so the final composition in a 200-l container will always be varied and impossible to identify in quality and quantity terms.

What am I missing?

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You are missing NOTHING. This is the CRUX of the whole modRNA vaccines. BECAUSE of the issues you state, manufacturing of biologics requires controlling each step, usually more than 300. Each step is to be done exactly the same way. And the starting materials are to be of the same purity and quality. This is the only way that manufacturers can ensure each of the molecules are withing 1-2% of each other. This is the standard for monoclonal antibodies for example.

This is why I bang on about manufacturing so much. THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS IS THE FINAL PRODUCT.

Finally, and most disturbing is that the manufactured biologic (mRNA) is MAKING ANOTHER biologic (the spike protein). So frame-shifting proteins were totally predictable. Even if the "vaccine" was made to the highest standards.

Its a mess.

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The manufacturing process is the final product - your summary is excellent.

The biologic manufacturing cycle (mRNA > spike > hijacked body cells > more spikes) sounds like being constantly plugged into the socket with unpredictable power supply parameters. Kind of, inverse zombies.

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dsRNA can be cut by dicer into microRNA. This lot thus avoids an RNAi signal.

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Thanks! microRNA. Of course. And the fragmented and truncated mRNA could act as a microRNA as well, I would presume.

Here is the actual toxicology study. They studied a variety of mRNAs, but BNT162b2 was studied; two different versions differing in the codon optimization but not the N-1-methylpseudouridine.

What would be an RNAi signal?


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It's the shorter bits of DNA that trigger cGAS


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Hard to tell as you can't predict the fragments. You would have to compare on a Protein array the treated with the untreated group.

I don't know why nobody is doing DNA, RNA or protein array analysis.




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Sounds like a plan!

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You just need sb who can do arrays. Arrays between vaxxed, unvaxxed would give lots of information about what's going on. It's 20 years old tech. BUT I only saw data like this for sinovac, never for the modRNA products.

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I've been focusing on dsRNA, but Christie Grace has been posting about the cGAS-STING pathway, which is linked to cardiomyopathy, Parkinson's and a whole range of goodies🤦

Published: 29 July 2019

DNA sensing by the cGAS–STING pathway in health and disease

"An emerging theme in the literature is the ability of self-DNA to promote a broader spectrum of human disease beyond the aforementioned diseases with a genetic component."


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Christie reminded us that Endotoxin in all jabs hits our TLR4. She said "TLR4 signaling induces the production of type I interferons (IFNs) and pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can indirectly activate the cGAS-STING pathway through cellular stress and DNA damage responses"

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As yourself and others have pointed out, it makes no scientific sense re the "special lot". So that leaves me to ponder that it's about laying paper trails.😐

Paper trails of "trials". Seeding essentially.

Animal studies showing "safer results, back in March 2020 = public perception that despite "novel" pathogen, a "safe" vaccine was being developed.😐🤨

Its simply PR or grift. Lay the right groundwork, and you can predetermined the "choice" your mark (public opinion) will take.😐

In which case you may have found the strap from the holster, that the smoking gun came from...because if im right and it can be shown in emails re these specific trials using the special batch, it implies premeditation.😐😐🤔🤨

It be hard to prove, but there's a few people in that pool to begin asking questions😉

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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It’s fairly simple. It’s been tried/done before, but without much success. The Big Pandemic” never came to fruition and an effective vaccine never came to fruition. But we.created the weaponized contagion. Americans have very short memory. In 1976 a HINI flu pandemic had emerged. Gerald Ford, whose vice president, ironically was Nelson Rockefeller was forced to mandate a vaccine. The “ Pandemic” never was and the vaccine caused horrific adverse effects. After 20 or so came to light, the vaccination campaign was halted, a class action suit against the pharmaceutical company was filed and a huge sum awarded. Nearly bankrupting the. company. It cost Ford reelection. Reagan created legislation that precluded suing Pharma for vaccine injuries. Fauci effed up HIV/AIDS and is responsible for the avoidable deaths of thousands and thousands of people here and around the globe. And horrific coverups. And then there was the epic coverup of weaponized Anthrax created at FT Detrick. A doozy.

The virus was engineered by the U.S. and the “ vaccine” was being engineered concurrently. Likely began with the SARS Covid Pandemic that never was. COVID 19 was likely a spin-off, manipulated and augmented to assure it wouldn’t quickly die out before becoming a pandemic.Whether it was deliberately leaked or accidentally leaked, it was premature. Whatever the reason it was planned to occur during Trump’s presidency. It was literally announced by Fauci. To “ expect a Pandemic the likes of, we’ve not seen before”,. Next came Event 201, the “ tabletop game” addressing a “ fictitious” pandemic” response . The “pandemic” originated in Wuhan. A respiratory virus that jumped from an animal host to humans. That a vaccine would be needed and would have to be quickly produced. There would be a single global message repeated online, by media, the response team and an “ authoritarian” messaging process to not allow for “ mis and disinformation”. There would be the need for public/ private partnerships with the media, medical professionals, pharmaceutical manufacturers an a need to keep the public calm , preventing chaos. By mandating sheltering in place, distancing, masking. Data mapping and surveillance, frequent , available testing… on and on and on. I’m guessing the “ Plandemic” was slated 3 months later than it was released. I also believe China partnered with the U.S. to oust Trump. He was the greatest threat to the global elites, UN included and their corrupt, criminal , decades in the planning “ Great Reset”.

The “ vaccines” had been in the works for more than a decade. A globalist dream. Gene manipulation and a human Petri dish. A Brave New World. More disgusting still, I believe these psychopathic megalomaniacal “ gods” are seeking life eternal. They’re using Huxley’s brilliant work of fiction which he later saw coming true and spent the rest of his life warning of exactly what’s unfolding. Only to be met with scorn, condescension and mockery. Who’s laughing now?

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Side effects of that Swine Flu vax in 1976/77 were real and some were very bad, including more than 50 deaths. However, the frequency of side effects, one death in a million jabs. was orders of magnitude less than the covid "vaccines". Rancourt's analysis concluded that the covid vax caused one death in 1100 jabs, nearly 3 orders of magnitude higher than the Swine Flu vax.

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I think mostly accurate , except it seems to me Trump was and is also a player in the plan. Cause it’s just too uncanny how he played his hand in radicalizing the left and creating the environment where organizations do away with all processes of good governance . He played his part so well , that even people such as yourself are singing the narrative

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Trump indulged in the same pay-for-play as other past politicians. For example, Pfizer donated $1M to his inauguration and he appointed their lobbyists to head public health, Monsanto paid $500K and he deregulated GMO foods. Trump was also invested in Pfizer when he first got into the oval office. He grew the swamp instead of draining it, appointing members with a known long history of covering for bureaucratic malfeasance - like Bill Barr, Christopher Wray, Mike Pompeo. I am often astounded at how many people don't see it, or try to excuse his behavior by attributing it to ignorance or naivete - as if an ignorant, naive fool being the leader of the free world is desirable. And long after the Pfizer docs were forced to be made public and he was informed of the millions of suffering and dead because of these jabs, he has continued to defend them and declare himself a hero for his handling of this - as late as March of this year. There's a lot more I could say, and we missed a great opportunity to have a genuinely effective candidate who has shown a willingness to tackle these issues publicly, but here we are. On the brink of WWIIII and with an increasingly unhealthy and disabled public, thanks to too many decades of "The Science" ™.

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I’m not making excuses for Trump. That he hasn’t taken responsibility for his own poor judgement, and continuing to tout the horrific” miracle vaccines ( gene therapy clot shots)” , no matter who implores him to do so. Ignoring the best of the best, many of whom were appointed to his Vaccine Safety advisory team. Ironically, it was his creation because he was a vaccine skeptic! He had been personally warned by Dr Zev Zelenko, Ryan Cole, Pierre Kory, Scott Atlas, Luc Montagnier, Harvey Risch, Joseph Ladapo, Stephen Hatfill, Ramon Oswui,Michael Levitt, Charles Ortleb, Pete Navarro, RFK Jr.Stella Emanuel, Martin Kuldorff, Jay Battacharaya, Shiva Ayurveda, and I’ve no doubt if hadn’t personally spoken with them, he’d certainly seen and heard McCullough, Malone, Michael, Yeadon, Steve Kirsch, Pfizer whistleblowers, O’Keefe’s undercover videos of Pfizer execs and lab researchers… Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, DeSantis, Candace Owens ( who. I despise), Drew Pinsky, Naomi Wolf, videos of Kary Mullis( Fauci’s 35 year nemesis) Brett Weinstein, +.

The respirators… He may have had the best of intent, but ultimately, the worst outcomes often are the outcome of good intentions. But his ego and self-delusion has precluded his once curiosity and rational mind. Being able to admit being wrong and apologizing garners more respect and forgiveness than not expressing remorse, fallibility and humility. Instead he has quadrupled down.And when in a few years, the real consequences of the disgusting poison can no longer be covered up and lied about by Fauci, Biden, the corporate media, captured and paid to promote this nightmare and paid to be silent when they know the truth body politic and talking heads,Trump will be left to own it. In his defense, he tried everything to make every option available and anything he supported was immediately made unavailable and lied about by Fauci, Birx, and mocked, marginalized and disgracefully lied about and parroted by the CDC, FDA, AMA fascist media, Medical cabal,Deep State and the WEF, WHO, UN,EU and the globalist elite NWO propagandists to implement their agenda.

Again, it’s on Trump for entrusting Pence, the biggest POS saboteur with putting together the response team. Pence has long been in bed with Fauci, Mueller, W , Mitch, Cheney and covering up the Anthrax envelopes, the fact it was created at Ft Detrick under W’s directive and two innocent Americans, Dr Hatfill and Dr Ivins were framed to hide the truth.pence was in on it.

Eff them all!

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Note that 1 mg (milligram) is one million ng (nanograms). So, 815.3 ng DNA per mg is 0.0008153 fraction, that is 0.08%.

(I write in interest of accuracy of analysis and argument, not to take their side.)

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There was ( not sure if still there) an instruction in the regulations that says you have to use the same 'engineering lot' throughout the trial as that is the comparator against which other batches key tests are compared. So maybe purely a regulatory reason.

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Yes. That is likely. But a batch with that much dsDNA and no dsRNA maybe functionally different than even the other Process 1 batches. So the results of the toxicologic and immunologic studies may not be the same as other Process 1 batches, let alone Process 2.

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I agree there is no scientific logic to it, but blaming the system has always been a great way for people to evade responsibility. The entire thing is a complete mess.

On twitter today there has been a resurgence of 'it was from nature' and the vax worked posts. Anyone still be posting such drivel at this stage should be dealt with as a criminal in my view. But without it they have no chance of running the scam again with avian flu or whatever else they conconct. The good news is that virtually every comment, and there are lots of them are calling them out.

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Exactly. It sounds like this lot was used for all the animal studies and differs significantly.

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and thus the animal studies may not be indicative of human toxicity and immunogenicity. Thanks. That is what I am thinking. Another fraud to untangle.

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praying for you, your parents and all the misguided souls who accepted these toxic jabs. thank you for your intelligence, wisdom and courage.

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Don't fret about not writing recently.In repurposing Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice,in this case the truth doesn't come in torrents but "..droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven,Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;"

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pshycopth mad scientists in most fields that we half humans are allowed to see... they have elite secret medicine... we are mad for thinking that mad pshycopathic scientists make sense... good God please help us all return / turn to goodness truth and love and please enlighten our darkness on how to deal with evil according to your gracious wisdom

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Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Wikipedia - note "2017-2021"

The Defense Production Act has played a role in the U.S. government’s response to COVID-19 (from about November 1st 2019 US virus release date ) pandemic.

President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.

President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.

The injection of these countermeasure prototype vaccines which satisfy the US military definition of a biological agent into people has killed some recipients and permanently disabled increasingly large numbers of others, resulting in their operational effectiveness "based on the measurable effects of their deployment", by the US military's own definitions of terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the products it commissioned amount to bioweapons.

The US military defines a biological agent as a micro-organism (or toxin derived from it) that causes disease.

Vaccines are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration as biological products, therefore they can be described as biological agents.

The mRNA (ModRNA) products instruct recipients cells to make a form of its spike protein, the most antigenic and, some researchers argue, toxic part of a coronavirus.

Since December 2020, 5.5 billion people, 72 per cent of the global population, have been injected with Covid-19 vaccines commissioned under Operation Warp Speed by the US Army "as countermeasure prototypes", by 2024 at least 8 billion people out of 8.5 billion people have been vaccinated with these bioweapons.

By the US military's own definition, "the objective of a countermeasure is the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity".

The US Army Covid-19 vaccines bioweapon "the objective of a countermeasure is the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus,is proven excellent then.

Excuse me for saying so, but after the world populations have been decimated down to 250 million, more or less by 2025/26, by this US Army bioweapon, who will be left to use it on?

Refer back to the beginning of my above article and read it again, if you missed something, from my "Update 2".

I can't help wondering if Putin, Trump, Biden, Xi and other world leaders and the unseen billionaires, the WHO, WEF, etc, are in this together, but playing their parts to make we, the "Human Rubbish" of their societies, think there are warlike political divisions between us, when those divisions are for "your" show, just to fool you, while your extermination continues unregulated.

Well, not me - I'm not vaccinated and I remain Human, with all of my Human Rights by Law and my free salt water sniffle to keep me safe from Covid viruses, so what about you?

My latest post Update 2, keys into what I have posted above and answers your questions too

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everything can be explained by science ?--- we are the most intelligent species in all of creation ?-----after what has occurred the past four years with the pandemic-- one would assume, highly probable, there are no mistakes---intention is to harm---- breathe--- all is found outside the small mind---- scary thought----no one can limit your access to infinite intelligence, it is open source code.

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Just spit balling here. Robert Kogon wrote Bio-n-Tech’s manufacturing facility came online around April 2020. He also reported German scientists were working closely with Chinese scientists long before Americans were. He also reported Germany has the lowest Covid Vaers and Deaths in Europe.

Maybe this unusual batch was given to Germans and was known to be less toxic??

Like I said, just spit balling…

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In the Kevin Mckernan testimony with the NCI a couple weeks ago he said Germany scientists found the highest contamination in their vials.

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Kogon published a chart showing vaers and deaths for Europe and Germany was lowest by far. So, you objective reporting and the word of some German scientists. Afterall, Drosten and other German scientists have been the tip of the spear along with Biontech the creator of the vaccine.

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Kogon published a chart showing vaers and deaths for Europe and Germany was lowest by far. So, you objective reporting and the word of some German scientists. Afterall, Drosten and other German scientists have been the tip of the spear along with Biontech the creator of the vaccine.

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In the Kevin Mckernan testimony with the NCI a couple weeks ago he said Germany scientists found the highest contamination in their vials.

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Sorry to answer a question with a question. But if I understand correctly, Process 1 mRNA was created by PCR. It was the Process 2 mass-manufacturing that was cooked up in e. coli, resulting in all kinds of random fragments. If PCR only amplifies the specific sequences it's designed to replicate, it seems the nearly 1:1 DNA created in the 06 batch was intentional, and might all, or mostly, be "the same" DNA. Since this was pre-pseudouridine, perhaps to test as an adjuvant. At which it may have failed, or killed a buncha mice. So codon optimization was later used instead, to make the mRNA more "durable" and not need such a strong adjuvant boost. But such a large amount of DNA should also increase its chances of significant transcription. So, sorry to be cynical, but I wonder if that unusual batch was created to test how that specific DNA would express after transcription. For some nefarious purpose that future batches could be "dialed in" to produce in just the right amount. AFAIK McKernan et al. have sequenced the remains of Process 2 vials unleashed on the public. But the clinical "trials" all used Process 1 batches, is that right? Were remnants in any Process 1 vials ever sequenced, or did Pfizer make sure to wipe those off the face of the Planet? In other words I'm curious to know if the DNA generated in the 06 batch was consistent, and if one specific DNA strand showed up in the clinical "trials" vials -- and if it was ever sequenced. Since the trial "safety" periods were so short, and unblinded so soon, any long-term effect of that DNA's transcription would not have shown up in the trials. The Public got a very different product; a pea soup chock-full of random bits and bobs, making it harder to know which bit or bob had what effect. But by stealth-monitoring the clinical trials subjects, who got a much "cleaner" product, the years-later effect of a specific ingredient, like DNA that was transcribed, could be studied 5, 10 years or more down the road. So, paranoid as this sounds, I wonder if we're actually in Phase 4 of the "trials."

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No testing of process 1 vials have been done to the best of my knowledge. I do not know if this batch had N-1-methylpseudouridine or is codon optimized but the regulatory documents do say it is V9 of BNT162b2 which was codon optimized. So it is likely. I think you're right, the long term effect of DNA integration or other effects would not be seen since all the animals used in the non-clinical studies were sacrificed after the study was completed. Much to the EMA's chagrin.

However, IF the amount of dsRNA is low or non-existent then the immediate interferon and other immune responses would be seen during the time frame of these non-clinical studies.

Plus the amounts of both dsRNA AND dsDNA were quite variable in BOTH process 1 and process 2 lots. Variability is a big no no in biological manufacturing, Might be lack of experience/knowledge, might be something else. Don't know.

IF true, it means both manufacturers knew what contamination with dsRNA could do in the human body. Just my hypothesis for now.

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Gee, if only we had a well-funded public health oversight agency to do this kind of analysis before these things are forced into billions of unwitting arms.... Thank you for this. With all of the truly menacing behavior coming from these derelict agencies and their proxies, it's got to be in some ways a thankless job.

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Thanks for those very keen eyes and the very keen will to use what they see, which equals science. In the end science and right will prevail now that so many of us have woken up thanks to the few!

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