Sep 21Liked by Washed Up Pharmacist

"These researchers etc need to study physiology and pharmacology and get a good idea of the variability and infinite complexity among humans and that we are not machines to be tinkered with." In all honesty the detail in most of your article went over my head, in this sentence you have expressed what I was trying to bring to the front of my mind. The human race is infinitely complex and we are not machines to be tinkered with, not one of these injections should have been given to any human. The researchers and the pharmaceutical companies were so full of hubris that they gave no respect or recognition to the complexity of the beings they experimented with and went ahead with it because they could and no one was there to stop them.

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No one was there to stop them.

On the contrary, when I refused under pressure of being excluded by society, no one took the time or attempted to understand why. Instead, they did what they were told and behaved like children by calling me 'anti-vaxxer' and condemning me as 'selfish'.

May God have mercy on us.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Washed Up Pharmacist

"It is a self-adjuvanting vaccine. Ummmm isnt that true about normal mRNA vaccines and we find that it is hard to measure and is associated with lots of adverse events? "

THANK YOU. Yes. Of course. There is an effort to create panic around this, but the whole thing is worthy of concern, and has been from the beginning!

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I wrote a section on dsRNA adulteration and it's link to myocarditis.


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Forever grateful to your write up and Milano’s paper. But how can we get people to see this? I thought I was wrong on the dsRNA. Antibodies schmantibodies and dsDNA (which may not be quite as problematic as dsRNA if no SV40) are the issues du jour. I’m not really a scientist just a decent reset

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Researcher lol

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