Explain to me how turning our cells into viral antigens confers immunity father than disease?

“Those who make us believe in absurdities, can make us commit atrocities.” Voltair

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Clear and important, as always! As you say, tragically, much of this was already known and should not be a surprise. Now, that we have the numbers, it should be even more convincing!!! In my book, I raised the question about T7 pol creating lots of fragmented species, which, I argued, based on the mechanisms of this polymerase, would create also dsRNAs. Did the paper that you mentioned consider these as well? I have to read through the preprint - even though, as you point out, the "peer" review likely has whitewashed a lot of things. Thanks again!

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That's coming next!!

dsRNA is not talked about enough imho

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Yep, praying, that somehow somewhere many people got a dud ... Because if they all got active modRNA, the next ten years will not be pretty... I thought it may take ten years for things to show up, but never counted on the instant side effects, such as myocarditis, and clotting, showing up so early. Cancer is on the rise, and I only expect it to go up from here (I will be overjoyed if I'm wrong).

Thank you for another great article, I'm keeping it aside, it is a logical breakdown of often undisclosed potential from sequence errors in the modRNA itself (let alone frameshifting, and microRNAs... Oh and the DNA plasmids that unfortunately appear to be in every batch tested! What a disaster!)

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Amen pray the rosary 🙏❤️

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